Big problem - Weebly who host this website state
"we can only commit to supporting the Weebly editor until July 2025".
We were in any case thinking of moving as there have no updates and price increases, and layout problems, particularly size variations when saving, type changes size & becomes bigger or smaller !, and once in bold or italic or underline, can't later unbold etc.
We need to move, and incidently have less restricted layouts etc. We can't do much till May, after our Folklife West magazine is out.
Suggestions welcome, bearing in mind we are print editors, without web expertise, with limited time. Tech-savvy volunteers always welcome, especially anyone knowing about databases!
Due to layout problems, Updates after 8 Jan Update are now on our other site, on
"we can only commit to supporting the Weebly editor until July 2025".
We were in any case thinking of moving as there have no updates and price increases, and layout problems, particularly size variations when saving, type changes size & becomes bigger or smaller !, and once in bold or italic or underline, can't later unbold etc.
We need to move, and incidently have less restricted layouts etc. We can't do much till May, after our Folklife West magazine is out.
Suggestions welcome, bearing in mind we are print editors, without web expertise, with limited time. Tech-savvy volunteers always welcome, especially anyone knowing about databases!
Due to layout problems, Updates after 8 Jan Update are now on our other site, on
The FT header artwork above: © our logo, Chris Beaumont.
Morris dancers © Annie Jones; from The Roots Of Welsh Border Morris (Dave Jones) CONTACT .............
PHONE 01684 561378
ADDRESS 16 Barrett Rise, Malvern, Worcs WR14 2UJ |
Before emailing us . . . . . please note !
Folklife Traditions Journal
We seek to raise awareness of relevant Societies, Institutions, Researchers, Publications
We welcome your learned articles for interested readers, but note we’re not a peer-reviewed journal.
• See this website, "Index: ARTICLES" webpage, for past articles.
CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME for appropriate articles; contact us first, please. See below (also for ad rates, etc).
• Articles - check first if timely, as might be held over; up to 2500 words.
• News up to 200 words, we can usually fit in if received by deadline.
We welcome:
• Songs, tunes, dances, & stories collected
• Information about relevant Societies & Institutions & Researchers
• Relevant books announced (exceptionally CDs eg traditional singers) - up to 200 words, more words if advertising: 1/8 up to 220; 1/4 up to 240; 1/2 up to 280; A4 up to 360. Or at editor’s discretion
• Songs & tunes collected
• Seasonal Local Celebrations, based on Doc Rowe’s listings, additions welcome
• Conferences & Talks
We seek to raise awareness of relevant Societies, Institutions, Researchers, Publications
We welcome your learned articles for interested readers, but note we’re not a peer-reviewed journal.
• See this website, "Index: ARTICLES" webpage, for past articles.
CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME for appropriate articles; contact us first, please. See below (also for ad rates, etc).
• Articles - check first if timely, as might be held over; up to 2500 words.
• News up to 200 words, we can usually fit in if received by deadline.
We welcome:
• Songs, tunes, dances, & stories collected
• Information about relevant Societies & Institutions & Researchers
• Relevant books announced (exceptionally CDs eg traditional singers) - up to 200 words, more words if advertising: 1/8 up to 220; 1/4 up to 240; 1/2 up to 280; A4 up to 360. Or at editor’s discretion
• Songs & tunes collected
• Seasonal Local Celebrations, based on Doc Rowe’s listings, additions welcome
• Conferences & Talks
✪ PUBLICATION DATES & DEADLINES ✪ ✪ MARCH deadlines: 1 February ✪ ✪ NOVEMBER deadline: 1 October ✪
UPDATES to FTJ are on "UPDATES" webpage on the webiste
UPDATES to FTJ are on "UPDATES" webpage on the webiste
Contribute to Folklife Traditions |
sending in articles from researchers, folklife societies & institutions, such as are listed in our Folklife Traditions Directory pages on this site
1. Researched articles about a collected song or tune, word limits: no minimum - we get articles which are anything from just a song and a few lines or up to 500 words; other articles are often 1000 to 1500, our maximum is 2500 words.
2. News: researchers, publishers books announced, conferences (not folk news eg clubs, artists, albums, etc - see Folklife West magazine)
① NAME (eg society, book/journal title) in CAPITALS
For print publications announced, please add: publisher, editor name(s); + optionally, any of: price, ISBN, H/bk, P/bk, number of pages
② NEWS max. 200 words; if advert, more words ( + 1 small picture / book cover welcome)
More words if advertising: 1/8 up to 220; 1/4 up to 240; 1/2 up to 280; A4 up to 360. Or at editor's discretion.
③ AT END: optional - your name, contact info, website, social media
3. News: to introduce Folklife organisations, Society, institution, etc, up to 1000 words.
Thereafter, short (200 words) news items/dates from society, institutions welcome; longer items, please consult editor.
Please note.
2. News: researchers, publishers books announced, conferences (not folk news eg clubs, artists, albums, etc - see Folklife West magazine)
① NAME (eg society, book/journal title) in CAPITALS
For print publications announced, please add: publisher, editor name(s); + optionally, any of: price, ISBN, H/bk, P/bk, number of pages
② NEWS max. 200 words; if advert, more words ( + 1 small picture / book cover welcome)
More words if advertising: 1/8 up to 220; 1/4 up to 240; 1/2 up to 280; A4 up to 360. Or at editor's discretion.
③ AT END: optional - your name, contact info, website, social media
3. News: to introduce Folklife organisations, Society, institution, etc, up to 1000 words.
Thereafter, short (200 words) news items/dates from society, institutions welcome; longer items, please consult editor.
- Photo(s) welcome, can be sent in colour; may be also used in colour on cover if we have room (depends on adverts)
- * A4 page - up to 1000 words welcome; example below is 792 words, as you see we have expanded to full A4 by using a photo. But you don't have to provide a full page - entirely up to you. •• FW's deadlines - see top of page
Please note.
- All subject to space; please consult us first, as space varies
- See "This issue online" webpage on this site to view what the latest issue looks like.
- Please note we don't cover occult, wicca, neo-paganism, etc
Our readers
The sort of people who might well be interested but just don't know about you.
Whilst we do have members who are e.g. members of TSF, EFDSS, etc, and know all about what you do ...
... many readers are not in any sort of organisation, and most also will not have academic library access.
This does not mean they are not interested !!
Accordingly, contributions do not have to be original - they could be cut and pasted from your existing web article(s).
If you look at the Index: ISSUES on this site, - an index of all FT issues, which gives a flavour of what we do - links to all FT issues as PDFs
BELOW --- an example full-page article follows a note on using Word Footnotes & Endnotes
Whilst we do have members who are e.g. members of TSF, EFDSS, etc, and know all about what you do ...
... many readers are not in any sort of organisation, and most also will not have academic library access.
This does not mean they are not interested !!
Accordingly, contributions do not have to be original - they could be cut and pasted from your existing web article(s).
If you look at the Index: ISSUES on this site, - an index of all FT issues, which gives a flavour of what we do - links to all FT issues as PDFs
BELOW --- an example full-page article follows a note on using Word Footnotes & Endnotes
Publicising your books.
We are unlikely to have time for reviews.
Instead, you are welcome to send in a synopsis, up to 200 words, More words if advertising: 1/8 up to 220; 1/4 up to 240; 1/2 up to 280; A4 up to 360.
Word limits are for the text, they do not include book title & details of price, publishers, ISBN
Word limits may be exceeeded if we think the material particularly relevant to our readers.
Book cover image (jpeg/.jpg) is also welcome.
We are unlikely to have time for reviews.
Instead, you are welcome to send in a synopsis, up to 200 words, More words if advertising: 1/8 up to 220; 1/4 up to 240; 1/2 up to 280; A4 up to 360.
Word limits are for the text, they do not include book title & details of price, publishers, ISBN
Word limits may be exceeeded if we think the material particularly relevant to our readers.
Book cover image (jpeg/.jpg) is also welcome.
full details below 'Word' details + sample full-page article
Using 'Word' Footnotes and Endnotes
For any notes: please use endnotes.
Please do not use footnotes. They don't work! when transferred out of Word! ......... Text goes missing, numbers get lost!
You may be able to convert footnotes to endnotes
I can't do this - I have an old "Word for Mac 2011", but thanks to Lesley Adkins for this about Windows version :
Please do not use footnotes. They don't work! when transferred out of Word! ......... Text goes missing, numbers get lost!
You may be able to convert footnotes to endnotes
I can't do this - I have an old "Word for Mac 2011", but thanks to Lesley Adkins for this about Windows version :
Example full-page article
Example article (this is 792 words + photo) --- the original page being A4 size.
If you have difficulty in reading this on screen, then you can download this page as a PDF:--- |
The "Info page" from Folklife West below, also as a PDF, download ---|> |
You can download our Info pages as above. Gives prices for 1 copy and for subscriptions, and for advertising.
Our apologies: due to layout problems, we can't display our info pages here.
You can however view them on our site, on
The Info pages cover both Folklife West membership, combining both Folklife West magazine & Journal magazine, and Journal-only subscriptions.
Our apologies: due to layout problems, we can't display our info pages here.
You can however view them on our site, on
The Info pages cover both Folklife West membership, combining both Folklife West magazine & Journal magazine, and Journal-only subscriptions.
FW Advertising
☞ ● 1 Jan: 20 Nov
☞ ● 1 May: 20 March ☞ ● 1 Sept: 20 July changes after deadline? see ☞ ● 1 March: 1 February
☞ ● 1 November: 1 October |