FW, the Folklife West magazine (www.folklife.uk),
The FT header artwork above: © our logo, Chris Beaumont. Morris dancers © Annie Jones; from The Roots Of Welsh Border Morris (Dave Jones)
About Folklife Traditions pages, in FW
FW includes these FOLKLIFE TRADITIONS pages; we have a large online ARCHIVE
● Articles ● Song, tune, & notes ● Talks & Conferences ● Folklife listings ● Publications announced ● Folklife Institutions: intro., notes, articles, news ● Seasonal Celebrations: list with photos by Doc Rowe, and other contributions |
On this website:
As well as FT -- Folklife Traditions pages on this website, FW, the Folklife West magazine, has
* Folk News from our Members, Clubs & Venues, Performers, Services, Festival & Workshop Diary - copied to www.folklife.uk
* a summary of the fully-detailed listings available on our online Folklife Members' Directory - www.folklife-directory.uk
* Folk News from our Members, Clubs & Venues, Performers, Services, Festival & Workshop Diary - copied to www.folklife.uk
* a summary of the fully-detailed listings available on our online Folklife Members' Directory - www.folklife-directory.uk
FT: the CURRENT ISSUE, copied online
2020 Sept - FT 65FW’s FOLKLIFE TRADITIONS pages
Our aims include stimulating a wider interest in folk studies & folk culture: the FT pages ================== *** Not as much Folklife News as usual, as limited time to prepare FT, due to the great Lock-In ! |
Folklife Traditions: contribute ~ see Contact & Contribute
Please see the Team page on the Folklife site, www.folklife.uk/team.html, for all those involved in FW. And specifically for our Folklife Traditions pages in Folklife West, we are regularly indebted to Doc Rowe for his list & pictures, to Roy & Leslie Adkins for articles, to Helen Adams for Welsh tunes & notes, to Ian Pittaway for occasional articles; to Charles Menteith and to Gwilym Davies for songs with notes; and to others from time to time, as listed in FT, including Meurig Williams for articles on Welsh traditional music. In memory of Roy Palmer, left, a generous contributor of researched articles for our Folklife Traditions pages, freely donated for over 30 years, from the days of FW’s predecessor, the Somers’ Broadsheet, Aug 1983, to 2014.
sending in articles from researchers, folklife societies & institutions, such as are listed in
our Folklife Traditions Directory pages on this site, see Contact & Contribute webpage
Our readers
The sort of people who might well be interested but just don't know about you.
Whilst we do have members who are e.g. members of TSF, EFDSS, etc, and know all about what you do ...
... many readers are not in any sort of organisation, and most also will not have academic library access.
This does not mean they are not interested !!
Accordingly, contributions do not have to be original - they could be cut and pasted from your existing web article(s).
If you look at the Index: ISSUES on this site, the Folklife Traditions pages within Folklife West magazine, - an index of all FT issues, which gives a flavour of what we do - links to all FT issues in e-mag format.
Whilst we do have members who are e.g. members of TSF, EFDSS, etc, and know all about what you do ...
... many readers are not in any sort of organisation, and most also will not have academic library access.
This does not mean they are not interested !!
Accordingly, contributions do not have to be original - they could be cut and pasted from your existing web article(s).
If you look at the Index: ISSUES on this site, the Folklife Traditions pages within Folklife West magazine, - an index of all FT issues, which gives a flavour of what we do - links to all FT issues in e-mag format.
Publicising your books.
We are unlikely to have time for reviews.
Instead, you are welcome to send in a synopsis, up to 200 words, more if advertising: 1/16 250 words; 1/8 275; 1/4 300; 1/2 350; A4 450 words.
Word limits are for the text, we do not count book title & details of price, publishers, ISBN
Word limits may be exceeeded if we think the material particularly relevant to our readers.
Book cover image (jpeg/.jpg) is also welcome.
Sample full-page article; note about using Word footnotes; advertising details - see Contact & Contribute webpage
We are unlikely to have time for reviews.
Instead, you are welcome to send in a synopsis, up to 200 words, more if advertising: 1/16 250 words; 1/8 275; 1/4 300; 1/2 350; A4 450 words.
Word limits are for the text, we do not count book title & details of price, publishers, ISBN
Word limits may be exceeeded if we think the material particularly relevant to our readers.
Book cover image (jpeg/.jpg) is also welcome.
Sample full-page article; note about using Word footnotes; advertising details - see Contact & Contribute webpage